Jaroslav Stun's Chess problems
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Jaroslav Stun, sr.

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Welcome to Jaroslav Stun's Chess problems database.

   We hope that you will be able to find here as many chess problems as you like, and that you will enjoy your visit. The content here gets regularly updated, as new original problems of Jaroslav Stun are published in various chess magazines and webzines worldwide, so check back from time to time.

You will be able to find more than 200 original chess problems created by Jaroslav Stun, the chess composer from Snina, on this site, organized into user-friendly database. Primary focus of Jaroslav Stun's compositions lies in Fairy chess problems, but there are also multiple problems from other categories, mostly helpmates and orthodox problems. 

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Internet Chess Clubs chess. Serious fun!
Awarded problems...
Gravure 2020, 31.10.2020
  Fairy, hs#n
Gravure 2020, 31.10.2020
  Helpmates, h#3

Featured chess problems (chosen from 783 available)

Category: Fairy
Type: hs#n
Stipulations: HS#4,5 2 sol
Magazine: Gravure 2020, 31.10.2020
Published in: 2020
Uploaded on: 31.10.2020 10:34:31
Award winning problem(1st Commendation Gravura - 10 (2020) - HS#2 - 6)

Keywords/Tags: Bristol bicolor, promotion, switchback, Reciprocal captures, sacrifice, selfpin, selfunpin
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Category: Fairy
Type: sd=n
Stipulations: Sébastien Luce + Jaroslav Štúň
Magazine: ChessProblems.ca Bulletin No.10, 12/2016, Pr.LLR12
Published in: 2016
Uploaded on: 15.01.2017 20:38:29

Keywords/Tags: Locust, PWC, 4 corners
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Category: Fairy
Type: sh#n
Stipulations: SH#5
b) wGb3-->e6 
c) wGf1-->f5
d) bKe3-->e2 
Magazine: Problemskak 29, 1.kvartal 2015 Pr. 1363
Published in: 2015
Uploaded on: 09.01.2015 23:14:10

Keywords/Tags: Super AUW, Circe Parrain, Köko, Grasshopper
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Category: Fairy
Type: h#2
Magazine: Phenix No.113 XII.2002 Pr. No. 4183
Published in: 2002
Uploaded on: 20.09.2007 23:55:46
Award winning problem(1st-2nd Commendation Diverse Fairies Phenix 2002


Keywords/Tags: Grasshopper Rose Ringcylinder Modified Board
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