Jaroslav Stun's Chess problems
Voniak's Chess dBase homepage
General overview
First problem added:
13.09.2007 21:57:14
Last problem added:
24.01.2021 18:20:30
Chess problems total: 783
Awarded problems: 221 (28,22%)
Problems distribution 
Problems by categories:
Fairy599  76,5%
Helpmates147  18,77%
Helpstalemates1  0,13%
Jocose3  0,38%
Orthodox32  4,09%
Retro1  0,13%
Problems by problem types:
#210  1,28%
#33  0,38%
#n5  0,64%
==n1  0,13%
=n2  0,26%
Combined37  4,73%
h##n3  0,38%
h#12  0,26%
h#2111  14,18%
h#2,513  1,66%
h#375  9,58%
h#n214  27,33%
h+++n1  0,13%
h==n10  1,28%
h=21  0,13%
h=2,55  0,64%
h=34  0,51%
h=n6  0,77%
hs#21  0,13%
hs#38  1,02%
hs#n44  5,62%
hs==n2  0,26%
hs=31  0,13%
hs=n6  0,77%
pser-h#n8  1,02%
pser-h==n1  0,13%
pser-hs#n1  0,13%
pser-hs==n1  0,13%
r=n2  0,26%
s#n27  3,45%
s==n1  0,13%
s=n5  0,64%
sd#n6  0,77%
sd+++n1  0,13%
sd=n38  4,85%
sd-auto#n1  0,13%
sd-auto=n5  0,64%
semi-r=n1  0,13%
ser-==n4  0,51%
ser-hs#n12  1,53%
ser-hs==n1  0,13%
sh##n1  0,13%
sh#n77  9,83%
sh+++n1  0,13%
sh==n2  0,26%
sh=n15  1,92%
ss#n7  0,89%
Awards distribution
Awarded problems by categories:
Fairy160  72,4%
Helpmates44  19,91%
Helpstalemates1  0,45%
Jocose2  0,9%
Orthodox14  6,33%
Awarded problems by problem types:
#22  0,9%
#31  0,45%
#n2  0,9%
Combined14  6,33%
h##n1  0,45%
h#11  0,45%
h#221  9,5%
h#2,52  0,9%
h#314  6,33%
h#n62  28,05%
h+++n1  0,45%
h==n5  2,26%
h=2,52  0,9%
h=31  0,45%
h=n1  0,45%
hs#21  0,45%
hs#32  0,9%
hs#n18  8,14%
hs=31  0,45%
hs=n4  1,81%
pser-h#n2  0,9%
pser-h==n1  0,45%
pser-hs==n1  0,45%
s#n15  6,79%
sd#n1  0,45%
sd=n2  0,9%
sd-auto=n3  1,36%
ser-hs#n5  2,26%
sh#n30  13,57%
sh+++n1  0,45%
sh==n1  0,45%
ss#n3  1,36%
Fairy problems
Fairy chess problems by types:
#23  0,5%
==n1  0,17%
Combined36  6,01%
h##n3  0,5%
h#276  12,69%
h#2,58  1,34%
h#358  9,68%
h#n125  20,87%
h+++n1  0,17%
h==n10  1,67%
h=21  0,17%
h=2,54  0,67%
h=34  0,67%
h=n6  1%
hs#21  0,17%
hs#38  1,34%
hs#n44  7,35%
hs==n2  0,33%
hs=31  0,17%
hs=n6  1%
pser-h#n8  1,34%
pser-h==n1  0,17%
pser-hs#n1  0,17%
pser-hs==n1  0,17%
r=n2  0,33%
s#n10  1,67%
s==n1  0,17%
s=n5  0,83%
sd#n6  1%
sd+++n1  0,17%
sd=n38  6,34%
sd-auto#n1  0,17%
sd-auto=n5  0,83%
semi-r=n1  0,17%
ser-==n4  0,67%
ser-hs#n12  2%
ser-hs==n1  0,17%
sh##n1  0,17%
sh#n77  12,85%
sh+++n1  0,17%
sh==n2  0,33%
sh=n15  2,5%
ss#n7  1,17%
Awarded Fairy chess problems by types:
#21  0,62%
Combined14  8,75%
h##n1  0,62%
h#218  11,25%
h#2,51  0,62%
h#311  6,88%
h#n26  16,25%
h+++n1  0,62%
h==n5  3,12%
h=2,51  0,62%
h=31  0,62%
h=n1  0,62%
hs#21  0,62%
hs#32  1,25%
hs#n18  11,25%
hs=31  0,62%
hs=n4  2,5%
pser-h#n2  1,25%
pser-h==n1  0,62%
pser-hs==n1  0,62%
s#n3  1,88%
sd#n1  0,62%
sd=n2  1,25%
sd-auto=n3  1,88%
ser-hs#n5  3,12%
sh#n30  18,75%
sh+++n1  0,62%
sh==n1  0,62%
ss#n3  1,88%
Publishing activity in recent years (2010 - 2025)    Click for full report
Number of published works in major Chess problems magazines
"e4 e5" 40  5,11%
ASIGC 2  0,26%
Best Problems 27  3,45%
Chemkostav 2  0,26%
Chess Leopolis 6  0,77%
ChessProblems.ca Bulletin 61  7,79%
Componist 1  0,13%
Curierul Problemistic 20  2,55%
Delo in Tovarish 1  0,13%
Die Schwalbe 20  2,55%
Etero Scacco Problemi 6  0,77%
Feenschach 20  2,55%
Gmina Adamow 3  0,38%
Gravure 3  0,38%
Idee&Form 4  0,51%
Julia's Fairies 4  0,51%
Kobulchess 7  0,89%
Marianka TT 3  0,38%
Mat Plus 13  1,66%
Mat-Pat 6  0,77%
Moskovskij konkurs 5  0,64%
mpk-Blätter 1  0,13%
original 2  0,26%
Pat a Mat 63  8,05%
Phenix 44  5,62%
Pravda 30  3,83%
Probleemblad 2  0,26%
Problem Online 14  1,79%
Problem Paradise 2  0,26%
Problemas 9  1,15%
Problemesis 35  4,47%
Problemist of Ukraine 12  1,53%
Problemiste 5  0,64%
Problemkiste 3  0,38%
Problemskak 1  0,13%
Quartz 3  0,38%
Riface 2  0,26%
Rochade Europa 4  0,51%
Šachová skladba 54  6,9%
Seven chess notes 15  1,92%
Shachmatija 18  2,3%
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2  0,26%
Shakmatnaya Poesija 2  0,26%
Sinfonie Scacchistiche 19  2,43%
SOKŠ 6  0,77%
Springaren 1  0,13%
Suomen Tehtäväniekkat 7  0,89%
The Macedonian Problemist 4  0,51%
The Problemist(UA) 1  0,13%
Tzuica 3  0,38%
Umenie 64 6  0,77%
Unpublished original 1  0,13%
Variantim 9  1,15%
Vihorlatský strojár 1  0,13%
Vratnica-64 1  0,13%
Východoslovenské noviny 4  0,51%
Generated on: 15.02.2025 1:28:18

 RSS 2.0 Chess dBase - personal collection. Jaroslav Stun, © 2007 Voniak.  Legal info